pperuzzo@pperuzzo:~$ cat reflow

reflow - a lightweight kanban-style project management software inside the vscode sidebar

project status: active, in continuous development

project team: team of 2

tags: js, typescript, php, css



one of the main problems that every developer working on a big project faces is the struggle of managing work across different programs.
daily tasks are usually stored in a project management software, which is not connected to the code base.
reflow aims to solve exactly this problem.
by bringing a lightweight collaborative kanban-style project management software inside vscode, it allows developers to never leave their code editor and to reference code in their tasks.

i developed both the frontend and backend of the extension using javascript (vue.js) and typescript, creating a robust and efficient solution.
by working with the vscode api, i was able to seamlessly integrate reflow with the code editor.
i also achieved a sense of integration by using the user's theme colors in the ui, and by recreating ui components similar to the ones in vscode.

to enhance the user experience, i implemented a networking system that allows for real-time collaboration.
this enables users to work together on their projects with ease.
in addition, i worked on the authentication system using jwt auth. to improve the user experience, i integrated the auth system with third party providers such as github and google, ensuring a secure and convenient sign-up process.

to facilitate the management of the extension's users, i developed a simple admin dashboard using php laravel, vue.js and tailwind css.
this tool allowed my teammates and me easy oversight and administration of the user base, ensuring a smooth user experience for all.

the extension quickly gained traction on the vscode marketplace with 0 marketing dollars.
reflow generated approximately 400 downloads and 100 active users.
the success of reflow demonstrates its value in providing an efficient and collaborative solution for developers, streamlining their workflow and enhancing productivity.

technologies used


software demo

example of real-time collaboration


the source code for this project is proprietary and not publicly available; however, it can be made available for review upon request.

